How To Update A Product In Your Warehouse

How to update a product in your Warehouse:

  1. Open the Shopkite Merchant app
  2. Tap on the three bar menu button at the top right corner of the page
  3. Scroll down and tap on “Warehouse”
  4. Tap on “List of Warehouses” under the options listed
  5. Tap on the warehouse you wish to update products from
  6. Tap on the product you wish to update 
  7. Tap on “Update Quantity”
  8. Enter the new update by typing or using the minus(-)sign to reduce and plus(+) sign to add. 
  9. Tap “Update” at the bottom of the page
  10. Tap “Continue”

You have successfully updated a product in your warehouse!

Repeat the process if you wish to update more.